Sunday, September 23, 2012
最近比較忙,也很高興the big john blues 藍調樂團在新cd 開始演出了,喜歡藍調音樂的朋友這是新cd blues 的網址, 上面有每週的演出安排,有興趣的就來玩吧
CD Blues 的網站 - ( 喜歡藍調的朋友如果來北京一定要來玩 :)
從台灣回來之後,16分鐘也開始了頻繁的演出,觀摩到許多不同的樂隊,其中分別來自澳洲的話Elliot the bull 和北京的話 A 公館讓我很有感覺 Those guys are bloody awesome!
和公牛們一起連續演出週末,禮拜六在江湖,禮拜天在va, 江湖的氣氛一向不錯,他們則是把氣氛帶到了當晚的高潮,觀眾們隨著音樂翩翩起舞,啤酒一罐罐的打開,很棒的一個晚上。
隔天, 是我參加的Hip Hop/Rock 樂隊Elephant Fresh幫他們在VA開場,因為連續演出,又是個週日,所以來的人少了很多,可是他們絲毫沒有放水,還是熱情洋溢的演奏,和他們聊天時"hey we are half way across the earth already ( 我們都跑了大半個地球... )
我覺得他們真的很不錯, 音樂,默契,臺風.. 而且心態很單純,人也很幽默, 聊到工作,他們四位加隨行的調音師,居然都在同家公司上班,他們開玩笑的說回去之後因為請假太多,大概要被炒魷魚了,哈哈( hopefully not, finger crossed guys )
另外一支樂隊就是A公館了, 也是因為一起演出了幾次才看了他們的現場,他們是少數幾個一上台,就進入了音樂氣氛的樂隊,每個人都無比的投入在音樂中,而且非常自然不做作,和他們聊過幾次,發現他們每個人都很有想法和自己的經歷,比如剛開始巡演時台下只有一個觀眾和一條狗,演出還沒結束狗居然跑上台拉大條,主唱左手彈吉他的原因是因為他以前幹過工人,意外中失去了一節指頭,可是因為太喜歡音樂就換手重新開始!看他們的演出真的讓我覺得這是一支有信仰的樂隊! much respect
Staying true to who you are
Monday, September 17, 2012
Yamaha Asian Beat band competition China final - 雅馬哈樂隊决賽 中國
Hi all
What a weekend, 這個週末和樂隊坐火車快十幾個小時往返北京上海,爲了就是今年今年Yamaha樂隊大賽中國區决賽的演出
最後結果16分鐘很榮幸獲得了的四個獎項 - 有最佳原創,最佳主唱,最佳吉他 和全國第三名. 很高興團隊的努力得到了認可
主唱思雨說的 “ 这次最开心的就是我们完完全全用自己的方式,忠于自己的内心,依然获得了肯定:) 北京见!”
我特别高興得到了”最佳原創“ 某一位評審(聽口音好像也是台灣人)講評說我們是當天唯一找到自己聲音的樂隊 :) 得到最佳吉他有點意外,因爲整個比賽有很多吉他好手,在後臺時還開玩笑說我一定是今天晚上彈的最少音符的吉他手。 (擔任評審之一的陳磊-中國唐朝樂隊吉他)給我的建議就是應該把歌的solo加長, 哈哈. 最後還是很高興能拿到這個獎項。 唯一的遺憾是没辦法用自己的吉他完成這次的演出
很棒的場地。 logo看得出來是毛澤東的髮型嗎 :P
演出視頻要等主辦方提供給我們再和大家分享了 cheers!
Thanks for reading
Till next time
What a weekend, 這個週末和樂隊坐火車快十幾個小時往返北京上海,爲了就是今年今年Yamaha樂隊大賽中國區决賽的演出
最後結果16分鐘很榮幸獲得了的四個獎項 - 有最佳原創,最佳主唱,最佳吉他 和全國第三名. 很高興團隊的努力得到了認可
主唱思雨說的 “ 这次最开心的就是我们完完全全用自己的方式,忠于自己的内心,依然获得了肯定:) 北京见!”
我特别高興得到了”最佳原創“ 某一位評審(聽口音好像也是台灣人)講評說我們是當天唯一找到自己聲音的樂隊 :) 得到最佳吉他有點意外,因爲整個比賽有很多吉他好手,在後臺時還開玩笑說我一定是今天晚上彈的最少音符的吉他手。 (擔任評審之一的陳磊-中國唐朝樂隊吉他)給我的建議就是應該把歌的solo加長, 哈哈. 最後還是很高興能拿到這個獎項。 唯一的遺憾是没辦法用自己的吉他完成這次的演出
很棒的場地。 logo看得出來是毛澤東的髮型嗎 :P
演出視頻要等主辦方提供給我們再和大家分享了 cheers!
Thanks for reading
Till next time
Sunday, September 2, 2012
和This Town Music 本鎮音樂的訪談
前陣子和本鎮音樂的澳洲負責人Tom, 以16分鐘的吉他手做了一個簡單的訪談。原文是英文,今天把它翻譯回來。對北京的音樂環境有興趣的朋友可以看看
1. 介紹一下你的樂隊吧, 你們如何成立,做了什麼,未來有什麼計劃
嗨, 我的樂隊叫16分鐘,是北京的一支獨立搖滾樂隊。一開始其實只有主唱思雨和我。後來先後遇到了鼓手大航和貝士袁野。成立的時間並不長,而我們現在也還在實驗,尋找16分鐘的聲音。我一直相信樂隊要多演出來融合彼此,所以不管是思雨和我,或是16分鐘全樂隊,演出的頻率都蠻高的。至於未來,我希望能保持創作,演出,成為越來越成熟的音樂人,音樂中可以更好的表達,也很希望能早日和樂隊踏出巡演的腳步,多看看中國各地.
1. Tell us about your band, how you formed and what you have done so far and what you want to do in the future?
Hi! My band's called 16mins that plays alternative rock in Beijing. It started of as a project with just the singer Sindy and me. Then somehow the band expanded with the addition of bassist Yeah and Hang. The band is relative new and we are stillexperimenting , asking ourselves just what 16mins is. You see I am a firm believer that practice gets perfect so we just been taking gig whenever and wherever possible, be it the 2 person orchestra or the full band line up or both. For me music is what I love the most and I'd like to be able to keep creating and performing, grow and become more open as artist to be able to expressive my point of view. I guess that's more like the ultimate picture. I'd really love to get on touring in China to experience other parts of the China and get to know this place more.
2. 你是靠音樂為生,告訴我們你是如何做的
偸柺搶騙!哈哈不是的,我做許多不同的音樂“工作” - 私人教學外我也在北京的一所外國人學校教吉他, 有時候我也做錄音的工作。然後有時候會有一些臨時的商業演出, 我在CD Blues的演出也有一部分固定的收入,其他就是樂隊演出的收入。雖然不太穩定,但還過的去, 我很幸運能靠這些活下來哈哈,而不是在辦公室working for “The MAN"
2. You live off music. How do you make enough money
Beg borrow and steal. Not really lol but I hold several different music "jobs". Guitar teacher both privately and in a foreigner school. I do recording occasionally. And every now and then there are odd gigs , eg played a 4 day international snooker torment in the middle of Erdos. I also get a bit money from playing in CD blues with the big john blues band. It's not much and sometimes things do get tough but hey I am just lucky to be able to do what I am doing instead of working for the man.
3. 告訴我們你的音樂背景, 你有去專門學過嗎?
我相對來說開始的比較晚。在紐西蘭時一直到上大學才開始玩吉他,那年我的表哥剛好從台灣來玩,我請他幫我帶了一把吉他,(我老爸好像對他有點意見, 哈哈)後來大學讀完後, 我去SAE學了一年錄音,後來感覺比起錄音,還是更喜歡彈音樂,後來就去Mainz 上了現代音樂表演課程, 其實後來在音樂學校裏學到的更多是接觸之前沒玩過的音樂,像是鄉村,雷鬼等等, 然後學校要求你每個學生組一共八個不同的樂隊,所以也學到了不少在樂隊中處理“人”的問題的方法。其實學到最多的還是從實際去做的過程經歷到的東西。
3. What is your music background? Did you ever study formally?
I began my music journey really late, I didn't play anything at all until like I was in Uni in New Zealand. The story goes my cousin came to visit me one summer and asked what I wanted from Taiwan, I said a guitar would be great. My dad hates him ever since lol. I then negotiate with my dad that I will finish uni first before I really go for music. After Uni I did a year of recording course in SAE which only made me realize I much prefer playing than bottons pressing. Then a year in music performance school which also was interesting even thought I didn't learn about guitar playing that much but getting into 8 different bands throughout the school term was great and exposed me to lots of music that I didn' t pay much attention to. But I'd say 95 percent of the musician trait is just picked up along the way.
4. 你在紐西蘭長大,可以告訴我們有那些紐西蘭樂隊影響了,還有爲什麽呢?
太多了!我舉幾個特別喜歡的。 Decortica 他們給我的感覺像是玩重型音樂的Radiohead, 我們也是好朋友,以前還一起在北島巡演過幾次,而且不止是音樂,他們對樂隊獨立經營的態度和方法也讓我很佩服。 Decortica 最近簽了EMI, 還幫Evanesance 在Vector Arena 開場。非常棒!
我還喜歡另類搖滾樂隊Pluto,當然還有紐西蘭的Supergroove, 他們很Funky!還有碰巧認識的藍調音樂家Darcy Perry, 因爲他我才有機會重新認識藍調音樂。紐西蘭的藍調圈蠻小,每個人都比較紳士,年紀也大點。所以我還蠻突兀的哈哈, 可是還是很棒的一段經驗。
4. You grew up in new Zealand. Tell us some NZ bands that influenced you and why.
Man there are so many but here are few that really stood out. Decortica. They are a bit like what radiohead playing heavy alt rock would sound like imo and also are really good mates. We used to tour together in north island. What is really inspiring about them is not only their music but also the way they would take things into their hand. They just got signed and opened for Evanancence in Vector arena. Really Happy for those guys. I also like this alternative band called Pluto. And of course Supergroove is just funky! Also by chance I met Darcy Perry, who is responsible to get me into the blues music seriously. It was quite unusual for the blues scene while everyone was bit older and more gentleman like and all of sudden they got this Asian strat guy who played like a manic.
5. 你爲什麽來到北京呢?
我常常跟別人開玩笑, 就是我拿飛標往世界地圖隨手一射,剛好就射到北京。其實幾個原因,我在紐西蘭的樂隊IFK因爲成員家庭和工作原因解散了,很可惜,但我們真的一起經歷成長了很多, 之後我就?想, 也許是該去另外一個地方看看了。來北京的一年多前,我還和幾個朋友組了一個半原創半cover的樂隊Flying Puppets. 在上海演出了2個多月,我很喜歡那次的經驗,回去紐西蘭後就開始存錢準備再來中國,後來發現北京還是中國音樂文化的中心,原創音樂也相對蓬勃一些,所以就改變行程,來到半個人都不認識的北京,現在想想,如果再來一次我還是會來北京的:)
5. Why did you move to Beijing?
I used tell ppl that I had a big world map in front of me and I threw a dart blindfold and it turned out to be Beijing.. lol Well my band in NZ broke which was really sad but we had a blast. So I was only teaching and think it's probably a sign for me to go somewhere. Prior of coming here, I have actually had 3 months experience playing in a half cover half original band in Shanghai. I really liked it and went back to Auckland and started saving. Actually 2 weeks before going to Shanghai again I found out Beijing is where the original music is at. So even thought Shanghai is probably where the money is I changed my ticket and turn down 2 job interviews and came to Beijing knowing zero person. Man I wouldn't do any different if I were to do it again.
6. 你覺得紐西蘭和中國的音樂環境的主要差別在那裡
我認爲紐西蘭的音樂環境比較小,但更多元化,然後音樂圈有更多不同年紀的人。另外我覺得在紐西蘭,音樂是大家玩的, 好像北京大家在“做”音樂比較多?
6. What are the major differences between the music scene in NZ and China?
I think in comparison NZ music scene is small but more diverse. Also I notice there are more different age group than China.
7. 你最好的演出是那一場?
7. What’s the best gig you have ever played?
The next one I will be playing :)
8. 16分鐘代表什麽意思?
它只是一個名字,實際上是有個蠻傻的理由的, 你不會想要知道這麽酷的樂隊名字的原因是這麽奇怪的理由的。哈哈
8 What does 16 minutes mean?
It's just a name. Lol actually there is a secret but it wouldn't be a secret if I told you.. it's kinda silly.. really you don't want to know the stupid story behind such a cool name right?
9. 做爲一個音樂人,請問你個人有什麽計劃呢?
就像我說的,音樂是一種我自我表達的方式,我也希望能在音樂中找到自己的聲音。我希望能持續進步,創作出更多的作品,也能更好的演奏音樂, 希望可以和更多人分享我對音樂的觀點
9. What plans do you have personally as a musician for the future?
Like I've said I think music is my vehicle to express my point of view, to have an identity. I'd like to keep learning, being creative and performing and hopefully give back and share with others.
10. 你會永遠留在北京嗎?
嗯, 不太確定,就跟隨音樂的腳步走把
10. Do you plan to stay in China forever?
Not certain but I think it's not very likely. I will just let music to take me to where it may.
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