Monday, September 13, 2010

Street Voice & 豆瓣

嗨 大家好 :)

最近在Street Voice豆瓣這倆個音樂網站申請了帳號,以後一些新舊音樂作品都會放那。


Ocean of Blackness 黑海– 關於前陣子的漏油事件,那時每天聽到幾千幾萬加侖的原油滲入海里而人們卻無力阻止,Its really frustrating and this song was kind of inspired by that theme.

WANT痴迷- 本Idea的是關於一個人過度的迷戀事物的感覺, “得不到就要毀掉“..

Back Alley 後街- 我想給人單獨穿過暗街的感覺,我心裡想到情節是可能要去某個地方但已經遲到了,所以抄了近路走後街, 黑暗中好像有人在暗暗的窺探...
The feeling that you get when you feel like someone is hiding in the dark and waiting to jump on you..

第一個solo是用了 Slide Wah

這些demo 裡除了鼓外,吉他,貝斯及其他的聲音都是我彈的。最大的感想就是鼓/Rhythm section 的編排很不容易,以前弄樂團demo idea時可能就隨便找一個loop, now the approach I took is more towards completing those ideas. 雖然慢了許多可是我覺得是個蠻好的訓練。現在我在搞一個Alternative/Rock/Blues version of the “Imperial March” from Star Wars星際大戰的帝國進行曲, 應該會蠻不一樣的:P

PS 在寫這些Demo時其實心裡是想著人聲的Melody。 Maybe one day some of these can be turned into band music. Let's wait and see.

Thanks for reading
Till next time.